About Us

"The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.”

~Maria Montessori

Yvonne Silva

Yvonne Silva - Morningstar Directress

Mrs. Silva received her A.M.I. Montessori Training at Good Shephard Maria Montessori Training Center (1964 - 1966) in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), where she was trained by one of Maria Montessori's direct student. 

She has been teaching the Montessori way since 1966.  In fact, she is now teaching the second generation of students, the children of former students.
Jodi Martinson

Jodi Martinson

Jodi started as a parent, when her son attended Morningstar for three years, and has helped for over ten.

She is currently a full-time teacher's aide and the exercise instructor.
Selvyn Silva

Selvyn Silva

Mr. Silva has lived with Montessori for the past 50 years, since he came to the United States.  Both his sons were trained in the Montessori method.  They have also been blessed and fortunate to have their own second generation students, grandchildren, in the school. 

Mr. Silva assists both in the classroom and during lunch time when needed.  He is loved by all, and the children enjoy his presence very much!

"One becomes a well balanced adult, only if one has fully been a child."

~Maria Montessori

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